






    Scared of life and lacking the courage to be himself, Ludovico lives hidden away in his grandmother's old apartment. One night, the wickedness of the world goes to visit him in the form of Jack, a boy who is Ludovico's age but has the opposite character: hard, determined, perhaps criminal. The forced cohabitation of two human beings who couldn't seem more different from one another turns into an initiation rite to adulthood, the discovery of their true and respective personalities. And when the harsh reality that is mercilessly stalking them appears to present the bill, they will have to face it, bolstered by a new awareness and unhoped-for courage.


      1.请问哪个电影网站可以免费在线观看剧情 《转折》

    • 优酷视频 网友:《转折》免vip在线观看地址 http://www.tlys123.com/p-34896-1-1.html

    • 2.《转折》是上面时候开播呢?是什么时候上映的?

    • 腾讯视频网友:好像是意大利 ,具体时间你可以去 百度上面搜索一下。

    • 3.《转折》主演有哪些?都有哪些演员?

    • 爱奇艺网友:这个是由Riccardo Antonaroli 导演的,  : Marcello Fonte Chabeli Sastre Ludovica Martino  主演的

    • 6.《转折》评价怎么样?

    • 百度最佳答案: 《转折》评价很好,演员阵容强大,并且演员的演技一直在线,全程无尿点。你也可以登录百度问答获得更多评价。